Sunday, February 2, 2014

Buying a House Pt. V: FINALLY!

First off-notice the name change! "Life on the Sunny Side" was the original blog name as the hubs and I were living in Florida at the time...and hated it! Now that we're in Washington, that name doesn't really apply anymore. So since I talk about buying (and soon decorating) a house, cooking, makeup, etc. what could be a more fitting name?

Now that that's out of the way...we're moved into our house!! We ended up signing all the documents Friday evening. Once documents were signed, the escrow representative took them to the county to be recorded. Once recorded, the house was officially ours and we could pick up keys! That process normally takes 24 hours...but since we signed on a Friday evening and the following Monday was a federal holiday (MLK day)...we didn't get keys until Tuesday :( But it all worked out. Tuesday we picked up keys around 3 pm and spent the evening moving over my clothes, makeup, and toiletries (you know, priorities).

The next day movers came and moved the big ticket items (beds, couches, TV's, dining room table...) and we moved over everything else. If we were moving more than 10 miles away, we would have had the movers take care of everything...but it seemed silly when our new house is literally three exits away from our apartment on the interstate. Had the movers taken care of everything, it would have cost slightly over $1,100. We ended up paying $700.

Having moved four times in the past two years we've both become somewhat of an expert in moving... but we've also grown completely tired of it!! We still have a couple of boxes left to tackle but in the last week we've been focusing more on little projects-installing blinds and curtains, hanging pictures on the walls, putting together a bookshelf. More to come soon on our projects! The house being new construction, we don't have any renovations to do but I definitely want to take time decorating it-this is the first time either of us OWN our residence so we definitely want to put our mark on the beige walls. But for right now, we're grateful to actually be in our house!

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